Kkrafts Photographic Services

0353417535,  0437556628

Camera Cleaning Services

Keep your equipment in top condition, ready for the next great image
Sensor Cleaning

Keep your sensor clean so that you don't have to spend hours retouching shots in PS trying to remove blemishes and spots in the photo. Sensor cleaning requires experience, the right tools and the correct cleaning fluids, use the wrong thing and you can irreparably damage the sensor, which means new sensor or new camera!!

Camera Body and Lens Cleaning

Whenever you change lenses, there is always the chance that what is on the outside of your camera can end up inside whether it is on the body or on the lens. Dirty lenses can cause spots and smears in the image

Memory Card reformatting

Transferring photos, deleting, adding new photos can leave gaps in the memory and can slow down operation. By removing images from the card and reformatting can improve performance of the card allowing faster storage for each press of the shutter